of the Polish Cultural Society

Chapter I

General Arrangements

§ 1

  1. Polish Cultural Society is a society with legal entity acting on the territory of Poland. PTK is an abbreviation used for The Society.
  2. The Society conducts public benefit activity addressing the general public according to the Statute and concerning the area of public tasks defined by the regulations of the public benefit and volunteer work Act of Law; the activity is not conducted exclusively for the Society members.

§ 2

  1. The Society operates on the territory of the Republic of Poland as well as other countries of the European Union.
  2. The headquarters of the Society is located in the city of Katowice in the Republic of Poland.
  3. The Society might operate beyond the European Union unless such action violates the regulations, laws, international agreements and treaties where the Republic of Poland is the party.

§ 3

In order to conduct public benefit activity defined by the regulations of the public benefit and volunteer work Act of Law the Society might be a member or take part in the work of other organizations with similar objectives, be a member of associations, societies and other legal entities, start foundations and enter into cooperation agreements.

§ 4

The Society and its regional units use a seal, a logo, organization signs; the members of the Society are provided with the membership cards and badges that are determined by the Board according to the current regulations.

§ 5

The Society relies on the volunteer work of the members. It may employ workers to conduct its activity.

§ 6

  1. The Society conducts non-profit public benefit activity.
  2. The Society conducts payable public benefit activity where the profits are assigned for the public benefit activity.
  3. The Society is not engaged in business activity.
  4. The surplus of income is assigned to the statutory public benefit activity.

Chapter II

Goals and Means

§ 7

  1. The Society’s goals:
    1. maintaining and popularizing national traditions and culture, protecting cultural goods and national heritage;
    2. actions supporting integration and development of the local communities;
    3. popularizing art and culture, supporting local artists;
    4. health protection, drug abuse and other social pathologies prevention;
    5. supporting and popularizing sport, tourism and healthy lifestyle;
    6. freedom and human rights popularization and protection as well as democracy development support;
    7. fostering the development of national, citizen and cultural awareness as well as awareness of common heritage of Christian culture;
    8. supporting European integration and developing international cooperation;
    9. volunteer work support and organization;
    10. organizing free time for children and teenagers including children and the youth from environments affected by social pathology;
    11. diagnosing local community in the field of social pathology and socially handicapped children and teenagers;
    12. helping children in need, offering psychological and financial assistance to victims of violence and emotional abuse;
    13. charity;
    14. activity for the handicapped;
    15. education;
    16. activity for the national and ethnical minorities and the local dialect;
    17. aiding Polish citizens living abroad ;
    18. promoting Poland abroad;
    19. acting for the family, motherhood, parenthood, children’s rights popularization and protection;
    20. activity for non-profit organizations, churches, confessional associations and other entities in the fields defined by the regulations of the public benefit and volunteer work Act of Law.
    21. social support;
    22. promoting employment and job activation for the unemployed or employees threatened with dismissal;
    23. activity for people at retirement age;
    24. activity supporting economical growth including entrepreneurship development.
  2. The Society’s goals are realized by:
    1. cooperation with local and state authorities, academic and cultural institutions, media, social welfare, educational institutions, churches and confessional associations and other non-profit organizations;
    2. organizing and managing of day-care centers as well as educational and cultural centers;
    3. organizing active leisure time, sport and summer camps;
    4. organizing workshops, lectures, shows, sports and art events;
    5. information, educational, publishing, theatrical activity;
    6. promoting the idea of democratic society in local communities;
    7. popularizing the Society’s activity with the help of media and information technology;
    8. financial assistance and in-kind aid.
  3. The Society executes its statutory purposes conducting non-profit as well as payable activity described in Polish Statistical Classification of Economic Activities (PKD 2007):
    1. non-profit activity:
      1. 58 publishing activity;
      2. 59 activity connected with the film production, video, TV programs, sound and music recording;
      3. 85.5 extracurricular forms of education;
      4. 85.60.activity supporting education;
      5. 88 social help without accommodation;
      6. 90.0 creative activity connected with culture and entertainment;
      7. 93.1 activity connected with sport;
      8. 93.2 entertaining and recreational activity;
      9. 94.99.Z activity of other member organizations not classified;
      10. 85.10.Z pre-school education;
      11. 85.20.Z primary schools;
      12. 85.3 junior high schools and high schools, except colleges.
    2. payable activity:
      1. 58 publishing activity;
      2. 59 activity connected with the film production, video, TV programs, sound and music recording;
      3. 85.5 extracurricular forms of education;
      4. 85.60.activity supporting education;
      5. 88 social help without accommodation;
      6. 90.0 creative activity connected with culture and entertainment;
      7. 93.1 activity connected with sport;
      8. 93.2 entertaining and recreational activity;
      9. 94.99.Z activity of other member organisations not classified;
      10. 85.10.Z pre-school education;
      11. 85.20.Z primary schools;
      12. 85.3 junior high schools and high schools, except colleges.
Ostatnia aktualizacja:  2024-03-19 20:11:18